(Seattle Times, 2022)
(Seattle Times, 2021)
(Charlotte Observer, 2019)
In the last few years, Dartmouth College has launched several programs to address food insecurity on campus. (Valley News, 2019)
Accountability and Enterprise
(Charlotte Observer, 2020)
(Charlotte Observer, 2021)
‘You’ve got cocaine on your tongue.’ CMPD officers didn’t call Medic despite police policy – After Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police announced moves to fire officers involved in an in-custody death, they cited a change in the policy on interview rooms. But the policy that required officers to seek medical attention for suspects suspected of consuming drugs had been in place for years. (Charlotte Observer, 2020)
Pepper spray at protests: Police blame violence. ‘This is a lie,’ Charlotte leader says – Cellphone footage and eye-witness accounts show that protesters in North Carolina were injured by pepper spray while not engaged in violence, despite police claims. I reported this story by combing through video, covering the protest and interviewing police and protesters. (Charlotte Observer, 2020)
‘How many people need to bleed?’ Charlotte activists criticize new CMPD policy. – During the July protests over the death of George Floyd, Charlotte police said they would institute a “duty to intervene” policy. However, activists, who had asked for such a policy for over a year, said it fell far short of what they had envisioned. (Charlotte Observer, 2020)
External investigator to look into hazing allegations against 13 student groups – The Dartmouth was the first to break this news and the Associated Press covered the story the next morning. (The Dartmouth, 2018)
Breaking News
(Charlotte Observer, 2019)
The 25-year-old officer was shot and killed while responding to a carjacking call. (Charlotte Observer, 2020)
(The Dartmouth, 2018)
Personal Essays
All Rise for King Arthur Flour (The Dartmouth, 2020)
Climbing Mountains, Drinking Beer (The Dartmouth, 2019)